Sunday, March 6, 2011


The meeting tonight in Shongaloo was a huge success! We raised $566.03 to create signs for the yards of those opposed to the recent Webster Parish School Board vote. If you have not signed our online petition, do so now by clicking on the link to the right of this page. After signing the petition, you will be prompted to donate money to the ipetition web service. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY THEM FOR SIGNING THE PETITION!

For comments, suggestions, or questions, call Jackie Lewis at 318.382.8979 or email Jackie at

ALSO- WE WILL BE ATTENDING THE WEBSTER PARISH SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ON MONDAY NIGHT WITH PICKET SIGNS IN OUR HANDS! Make yours and be there to show that we do not feel their recent vote was in the best interest of our children!

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