Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Here is the article from today's Minden Press Herald about the revote last night. You can find it online at http://www.nwlanews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=23470&Itemid=1.


School Board denies revote
Written by Jeri Bloxom
Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Parents and community members spoke to the Webster Parish School Board (WPSB) last night, urging them to reconsider the school assignments for the towns of Sarepta, Shongaloo, Cotton Valley and Springhill.

However, the WPSB did not yield, voting eight to four to ignore their request.

“Springhill Junior and Senior High School can no longer claim a safe environment that it once could,” said Nellie Sherrill, a community member who is concerned about the safety of students transferring to Springhill from Sarepta, Shongaloo and Cotton Valley.

Sherrill cited reasons such as rampant fighting in restrooms and classrooms, vulgar language and disrespect to teachers and peers, and “students bringing cameras into restrooms while forcing other students to do things that are despicable and humiliating and then publishing the acts on You Tube.”

“When people with inside information tell you that you don’t want your children or grandchildren to go to Springhill High, it gets my attention and I know it would get yours, too,” she said.

Responding to Sherrill’s disturbing comments about the condition of safety and discipline at the Springhill Jr/Sr High, board member Jerry Lott, District 11, said he would like to see a thorough investigation by a committee, with support of central office personnel, done within the next 30 days so the issues could be formally addressed.

Jackie Lewis, who headed the petition asking board members to revote the consolidation of north Webster Parish, urged board members to give the same courtesy to the north end of the parish as they gave to the Minden communities.

“As a parent of a child in Minden schools, I was given a voice when asked to choose between two options for the schools in Minden,” she said. “As a parent of a child in Sarepta, I waited for a similar letter to come, but it never arrived.”
Lewis said the mileage students in the north would be bused with the adopted plan would be similar to Minden students being bused to Doyline.

“You wouldn’t vote to do that, it doesn’t make any sense,” she said. “So why do it to the communities of Sarepta, Shonagloo and Cotton Valley?”

Don Shirley, Minister of First Baptist Church in Cotton Valley who wrote to the school board and the district attorney regarding legalities of action taken by the board, also spoke.

“I apologize to you as a board for jumping to conclusions about the manner in which you are governed,” he said. “I was wrong to think that many of the policies you created were for me or any other citizen to hold you to account. They are for you to hold yourselves to account and for you to conduct your own business.”

After hearing the request of speakers, it was explained to the board by their attorney that they would be voting on revisiting the decision made for the north end of the parish alone and that if the vote did pass, action could only be taken on the schools of Springhill, Cotton Valley, Shongaloo and Sarepta.

WPSB superintendent W.W. “Butch” Williams told board members that financially the savings would be “a wash.” The adopted plan for the north end of the parish saved roughly the same amount of money as the central office proposal for the area.

In the end, the WPSB voted eight to four in favor of maintaining their previous action to have Springhill be the singular high school for the four communities.

Voting in favor to reconsider previous action:

Ouida Gardner – District 5

Bruce Williams – District 4

Charles Strong – District 3

Robert Holloway – District 6

Voting to uphold previous action:

Linda Kinsey – District 7

Frankie Mitchell – Distsrict 9

Ronnie Broughton – District 8

Penny Long – District 12

Johnnye Kennon – District 10

Malachi Ridgel – District 2

Jerry Lott – District 11

Brandon Edens – District 1.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Inspiration for tonight....

"We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." -- Thomas Jefferson

On the morning before our great meeting at the Webster Parish School Board, I would like to remind each and every one of you that it is very important for you to be in attendance tonight. We have done everything within our power to let our voices be heard, and many of those supporting our cause have bravely placed their names upon the agenda of tonight's meeting and will stand, fearlessly, to speak on our behalf. Let us all be there in support, and let us all bring our yard signs. (No metal stakes, please.)

No matter what happens, know that we have fought with grit and determination. We have stood strong and united, coming together in a way that our little communities never have before, and I am proud that our voices are all in unison. Congratulations on a job well done. You have defied the odds by standing strong together. You have accomplished what they said could not be done-- you have all worked together, and hand in hand tonight we will march into that School Board meeting and give it all that we've got.

We have all been participants. We have taught our children to fight for what they believe in, and that, my friends, is what this country is all about.

See you tonight!

Jacquelyn Lewis

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Tomorrow night is the BIG Webster Parish School Board meeting in Minden. BRING YOUR SIGNS, without the metal stakes, and we will silently hold them in the meeting and let our voices be heard in unison. Many of us have been placed on the agenda to speak for our cause, so come to support us and let the School Board know that we would like for them to hear out side of the debate.

Come early, as seats will be limited and we expect a VERY full house.


Jacquelyn Tripp Lewis

Friday, March 18, 2011


Our new batch of yard signs are in, and we've placed them at Short Stop Convenience Store in Sarepta. They are $5 each.

Also, the big school board meeting will be Monday night at the Webster Parish School Board Central Office in Minden, Louisiana. Many of us have been placed upon the agenda to speak at the meeting, so make sure to come out and support our cause.

If you are in the Minden area and would like a sign, call Jackie Lewis at 382-8979.

Friday, March 11, 2011


We have permission to place a collection can (for our Yard Sign fund) at Short Stop in Sarepta! THE COLLECTION CAN WILL BE THERE BY NOON TODAY! Stop by and give donations. 100% of the collected funds will go to the purchase of more signs, as many of you have asked for signs and we are already out of our first order of 250.

Here is what we need:

250 signs = $936
We have collected $255 so far. Lets get this money as quickly as possible, because it takes 4 - 5 days for the signs to be printed.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

WPSB Meeting on the 21st!

For those of you that haven't heard, there is a meeting of the Webster Parish School Board on the 21st of this month. Those wishing to be placed on the agenda must submit a letter explaining their request by Friday, March 11th.


We've sold out of our first printing of yard signs. We need money ASAP to order new signs, so get your donations together from your area and then give me a call at 318.382.8979 or email me at lewisfamily1908@bellsouth.net.

In other news, one of our supporters just forwarded me the link to our WPSB audits. Find the audits at:



I am on my way to pick up our yard signs, and we will begin distributing them this afternoon. Check back on this blog for more... we will give you more details as they become available.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Amid the media firestorm concerning last night's events at the Webster Parish School Board Meeting, there have been questions raised about the intentions of our group of concerned citizens. An article that appeared in today's Shreveport Times, written by Vickie Welborn, has this to say:

A woman who stopped by the picketers to share her support admitted she is opposed to the consolidation plan because "it's just going to integrate the schools more and I'm not for it." She refused to give her name.

I am disappointed in this anonymous quote, and even more disappointed that it was printed in the first place. And I want to make certain that people understand something about us-- our group of concerned citizens has organized and begun to act because we do not feel that the WPSB took the consolidation of north Webster seriously. They did NOT research the effect that this hurried consolidation would make upon our schools, our communities, or our economy. And furthermore, our group is NOT motivated to take action because of skin color.

As a group of concerned citizens, we wish to allow everyone to know-- especially news media-- that we are NOT against consolidation. We are just asking for the same form of consolidation that is good enough for south Webster to be applied to the north end of our parish. We want to go with Superintendent Butch Williams' original plan, Option 3, that would COMBINE COTTON VALLEY, SHONGALOO, AND SAREPTA.

We LOVE our small schools. And by combining the three smallest schools on the north end of Webster Parish, we will maintain the small-school atmosphere that we treasure. By combining our three small schools, we will have graduating classes numbering somewhere between 60 and 70 kids per year. We feel that it would be better for our children, better for our communities, and better for our parish.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Our yard signs will be in this week. I will let you when they're in... keep checking back on our blog! Distribution will begin immediately when they're delivered.

We all must attend the next WPSB meeting! I will let you know the times and dates as soon as I find out.

Thanks for being one of us, and stay strong until we meet again!


...on the right side of this page. THANKS YOU FOR SHOWING UP TO PICKET TONIGHT!

Click on links to the media in the right hand column...

...to view an online report by KSLA from last night's meeting and more!



Monday, March 7th, 2011

The petition initiated at last night's meeting of Concerned Citizens in Shongaloo, Louisiana, is at SHORT STOP CONVENIENCE STORE in SAREPTA. Go sign it this morning, as it will be hand carried to the Webster Parish School Board meeting tonight.

ALSO, we will picket outside before the meeting, and bring our signs into the meeting for members of the School Board to see.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


At tonight's meeting in Shongaloo, everyone decided to picket the Webster Parish School Board meeting tomorrow night. Be at the Webster Parish School Board office tomorrow afternoon (MONDAY, MARCH 8th) with your signs, your united voices, and be ready to show the School Board that we demand better from our elected leaders! The meeting starts at 6pm, and we need you to show up and make your presence known before the meeting. If possible, take your signs indoors and let them be seen by the members of our School Board during the meeting.

Here are a few suggestions for you think about while creating your picket signs, but feel to come up with your own slogans:



"REthink Option Five!"


------- or make your picket signs with nursery rhymes as your theme to drive home the point that our CHILDREN are at stake! ---------

"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,
she thought the School Board would know what to do!"

"Hey Didle, Didle,
our School Board played the fiddle,
while the budget jumped over the moon!
Politicians laughed to see such a sport,
and then ran away with OUR spoon!"

""One for the money,
Two for the show,
We know how you voted
when you should've said NO!"


Make sure that you check the links on the right hand column of this page for direct links to the media coverage in today's Shreveport Times and on KSLA News 12. KSLA came to our meeting tonight in Shongaloo and we were their lead story!


The meeting tonight in Shongaloo was a huge success! We raised $566.03 to create signs for the yards of those opposed to the recent Webster Parish School Board vote. If you have not signed our online petition, do so now by clicking on the link to the right of this page. After signing the petition, you will be prompted to donate money to the ipetition web service. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY THEM FOR SIGNING THE PETITION!

For comments, suggestions, or questions, call Jackie Lewis at 318.382.8979 or email Jackie at lewisfamily1908@bellsouth.net.

ALSO- WE WILL BE ATTENDING THE WEBSTER PARISH SCHOOL BOARD MEETING ON MONDAY NIGHT WITH PICKET SIGNS IN OUR HANDS! Make yours and be there to show that we do not feel their recent vote was in the best interest of our children!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Tomorrow's meeting in Shongaloo at Bailey Field has been changed to 6:00 PM because of the weather. Please notify all friends and family that are planning to attend this event.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Editorial in the Minden Press Herald

I sent a letter to the editor of the Minden Press Herald a few nights ago, and it made yesterday's paper. In 24 hours, it has already been viewed over 480 times! You can read it at:



I HIGHLY recommend that you all write letters to the editors of ALL local papers. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!


Here are the contacts:

The Minden Press Herald Editor, Mr. Josh Beavers:

The Shreveport Times

The Springhill Press:
127 S Main Street, Springhill, LA, 71075
Telephone: (318) 539-3511

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Are you deeply concerned about the most recent vote of the Webster Parish School Board? I have just confirmed that there WILL be a gathering of concerned citizens at Bailey Field in Shongaloo, Louisiana, on Sunday, March 6, 2011 at 2:00 pm.

All concerned citizens are invited to attend and voice their opinions.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What I believe...

As a citizen of Webster Parish and the mother of two children in our public school system, I trusted in our Webster Parish School Board. Without question, I knew they would look at the facts about the ongoing financial situation and make sound, rational decisions concerning budget cuts and school consolidations. So I waited patiently for our School Board to find a way to keep our budget in the green.

I see now that I made a mistake.

If the issue of consolidation is truly based on preventing a $5 million per year budget deficit, then our school board has the responsibility to look at the numbers, conduct studies on the economic and social impacts of their decisions, and vote accordingly. Instead, the vote was hurried and now will be presented to our district judge as if it were a well thought out, and researched plan.

I truly feel that our School Board did not act in the best interest of the children of Webster Parish. And my opinion is not in the minority. I want to challenge those that feel the same way to sign an online petition at www.ipetitions.com/petition/recallwebster/ If our voices are united, they will be heard. We have the right to demand to see a written plan from our School Board—one that includes financial estimations and assessments of the economic and social impacts of consolidation upon our communities.


Jacquelyn Tripp Lewis

(Sarepta High School Graduate,
and resident of Minden)